Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chair (A Dream)

Adonis (2008)
(translated from Arabic by Michael Beard and Adnan Haydar)

Long ago I screamed at the city:
Husk of the world,
I'm holding you in my hand.
Long ago I muttered at the ship,
my song in a rose-red blaze:
all or nothing.

As for you, my grandchildren, I'm tired,
tired of myself, tired of the seas.
Bring me that chair.


  1. from The New Yorker (May 12, 2008)


    Re: A "bring it on" poem (for old people).

  2. The poem published here does not make us that Adonis is a great poem as he has been propagated by the media. There are many living Adonis in Bangladesh whose poems are world standard.
